Friday, April 4, 2008

Snowmen in Brazil

Snowman family 2007
Sandy & me with snowman family 2008

Seth and Jan Rodgers were here looking at my pictures on the computer and they saw the picture of the snowmen above. They went on to tell me the snowmen and all the other decorations were made of attached bottoms to big soda bottles. There were probably at least 50 of these snowmen families scattered throughout the city and hundreds of large hanging ornaments hanging from the trees and someone somehow attached them all to make these Christmas Decorations and then sprayed them white. Now that is recycling!!!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Mom's new apartment

I have returned to Brazil.  I don't think I will ever get used to the trip.  It is so very hard on me.  I guess this is #13 so I should be used to it by now.  I watch these people sleep through the whole trip and just don't understand it all.  For me it is like being in a torture chamber for 10 hours.  I wish someone would hit me over the head with a sledge hammer and wake me when I have arrived. 
Mom is nestled in her new little apartment in assisted living.  She is just remarkable.  I am so proud of her and the way she has fought back from such a life-threatening illness.  We went to see her doctor before I left and he told her he never thought he would see her again once he released her to Hospice.  It was a hard month for me getting her moved, settling everything with all the places she has been and cleaning out the storage building but all was accomplished by the time I left.  My friend, Shirley Reeves, also survived her very serious heart surgery and is on the road to recovery.  I am so grateful that God allowed these two special women to remain here on earth for a bit longer.  Thank you for your prayers for them.
Reagan continues to grow and be cute.  I go through my pictures many times a day and drive my friends crazy showing the pictures to them.  I am grateful everyone puts up with me.  I can't believe she is already 5 months.  Meredith loves being a Mom.  I believe she is in her perfect place right now.  They had snow in England on Easter Sunday and there are new pictures posted on her blog listed below.  Ben continues to work very hard in California.  I am grateful to hear him talk of moving back east.  The cost of living in California is just so hard on him.  Maybe he will even consider school part-time too.
My friend, Sandy Barber, and I saw four movies while I was home:  Fool's Gold, Definitely, Maybe, Miss Pettigrew lives for a Day, and Tyler Perry's The Browns.  I lost my fingernails to Fool's Gold.  I can't say I would recommend any of the four.  Of the 14+ movies I have seen with her over the last 10 months in Chattanooga I would have to say August Rush is my favorite.  I know it is PG13 but it has a very good story.  My other favorite would be the Chipmunk movie.  It reminded me of my childhood.  I used to have their Christmas Album.
I will be having elective surgery on April 9.  I would greatly appreciate your prayers on that day.             Meredith's blog