Saturday, December 30, 2006

Happy New Year 2007

I wanted you write all of you to wish you a very Happy New Year 2007.  I feel it will be a great year!  A friend sent me a slide show and one of the quotes was "We seldom think of what we have, but always think of what we miss!"  I think this quote has too much defined my last six months.  I will try to change my way of thinking this next year and do better.  When in another country you do MISS people and things and conveniences.  The things that come to mind besides my family and friends are fast food, ESPN, & A REALLY GOOD JUICY HAMBURGER!!!!
We have enjoyed Meredith's visit enormously.  She has rested and gone along with all our escapades.  We haven't ventured out of the city which she said was ok with her.  We have stuck close to home.  She has tried a few foods here but hasn't been real adventurous in the food category.  Please continue to remember her John in your thoughts and prayers.  Ben sounds good.  He has a new apartment, new roommate, new car, and a new job as manager of his store.  We are very proud of him.  I will see him January 21 for a couple days that I hope will include a trip to Disneyland. 
They have been practicing fireworks for New Year's here and my heart has stopped a couple times.  Meredith even jumped last night.  They even shoot them off during the day and I don't understand why.  You can't enjoy the beauty of them in the daylight.  All the stores are starting to close and the city is slowly getting deserted.  Everyone goes to the beach for New Year's.  John loves our parking garage during this time of year because with everyone gone it is easier to park.
Tonight we are going to the wedding of Hilary Atkisson.  She is the daughter of Lynn and David Atkisson, Presbyterian Missionaries that we met here.  She is marrying Cae, a very handsome and kind Brazilian young man. We will be going to Mary & Joe Cavese's apartment tomorrow for a New Year's Eve Party.  It should be amazing from there as they live on the 19th floor.  I hope to take good pictures with our camera.  John found it had a fireworks button.  We are making American food so this will really make it good.  John has promised to take a nap so he can stay up and enjoy it all.
I'll be at Mom's from January 8 to 20 if you should be close.  I can't promise the planes will be on time because they never are but I'll be there close to those dates.  Happy New Year to all and may God richly bless year 2007. 

Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas 2006

We are celebrating Christmas with Chicken ala King and rice.  Surely not a traditional Christmas meal.  It is so hot that it takes the Christmas cheer away.  We sure miss our family and friends especially John, Ben and my Mom.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Meredith's first rug

Meredith has enjoyed meeting my friends at the rug store.  She has finished two rugs.  One of parrots and one for Christmas.  These will always remind her of her time here with us.  Now she is making me a rug. 

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

December 2006

In the mornings here in a city in Brazil there are so many sounds that resonate.  First the buses start delivering people to their jobs and buses start picking the morning school kids up for school.  (School here is two shifts 7-12 and 1-6.)  They come up the hill behind us and there are many of them.  Then there are the birds.  The birds of Brazil are much like roosters on a farm but they make much more racket.  One of them must live permanently outside our bedroom because I've heard him for 1 1/2 years.  This morning 6:20.  And then we come to the car alarms.  It is 7:00 in the morning.  Your unlock your car every day many times.  It seems you would know how to do it WITHOUT having the alarm go off every time.  And then there are the car horns.  Do people here not realize IT WAKES PEOPLE UP WHEN THEY HONK!!!!  Of course, John hears nothing.  This is probably one of very few positives of having a hearing problem.
Meredith is here and she has fit right in to my schedule.  She is almost finished with her second rug.  She is enjoying the warm, sunny weather over the cold, foggy, rainy season in England.  It will be hard to see her go on January 7.  (We go to the airport together)  John Basel should be home the end of January so she won't be there long by herself.  Their cat Phoenix is surviving with another couple while she is here.  The only thing that would make it just perfect would be to have Ben and Mom here along with John Basel.
We had Thanksgiving at The Rodger's with two other missionary families and it was just wonderful.  Turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, jell-o salad, broccoli salad, homemade rolls, and lots of desserts.  It was a great day.  Then, we had a Christmas Party for John's employees at work.  It was at one of our favorite restaurants.  We had such a good time.  I now understand why John loves these people so much.  They love him and treat him with such kindness and respect. 
If you are a Brazilian you are required to vote.  If you do not vote you have to have a GOOD reason why you did not vote. (I didn't want to is not sufficient.)  The consequences of not voting are harsh.  You could have trouble getting a bank account, a visa, even a passport.  There are other tough consequences.  Maybe this is the answer for poor voting turn out in US. 
I will be in U.S. from January 8 through 24.  I will see Mom first in Chattanooga, then go to Miami to deal with my Visa and then to California to see Ben for a few days. 
We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  We miss you all very much. Love, Kathy, John, & Meredith