John and I met Fernanda for dinner. It was delicious.

Stewart, Pierre, John and Sam!

Marina, Kathy, Annabel, & Kyle

The Guh Family took us to Greg's Hamburgers. It was so delicious.

John in front of our packed apartment.

Well, tomorrow they load the truck. It has been an incredible four days with the two men from Gerson & Grey. Their names are Bispo and Cido and they are so nice. They are also very patient. I think I did pretty good by myself. John had to work. Since our move was a surprise we were not totally prepared so we had a lot of "stuff". Now it is boxed and wrapped and re-wrapped with paper and cardboard from at least two or three trees. There is no way anything can arrive in the U.S. broken and it be their fault. It was perfectly done. I am sure they have found me an interesting soul. I worked on my rug and watched them and numbered the boxes. How hard is that! I am also sure they think I should speak better Portuguese and they would be right.
We had a little going away party on Saturday with our friends. Kyle & Sam, Marina & Pierre, and Annabel & Stewart met us for some delicious pizza to say farewell. They have been such a huge blessing for us and for their friendship we are most grateful. Then on Sunday we said goodbye to our precious Landlord's. The Guh family have been here for us through thick and thin. I don't know what we would have done without them.
I have walked a lot lately (I need to walk a lot as we are eating out way too much) and will miss being able to walk to the grocery store, meat market, fruit market, coffee shop, and bank. I think this is why you do not see many overweight people here in Brazil. They walk and walk and walk. I hope I will keep this up when I am in the U.S. Claudina Guh walked with us Saturday. We went to all the shops that we love and to the hippy market. It was a fun day. I wish she had been meeting me more.
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