We also celebrated the wedding of Beka and Mike. They had the wedding outside and who would have thought it would be such a scorcher on June 5. They had the programs on fans and it was not only brilliant but a life saver. Larry Reeves married them. He also took part in Meredith and John's ceremony. He and Shirley are our good friends.
We are all doing pretty good. Mom is still struggling with the control of her pain but 80% of the time we can get her comfortable. Her 87th birthday is July 5. The plant where John now works is running much better. Thank you for your prayers. It has been a real team effort but so far, so good. John Basel's biopsy results came back benign. They will continue to monitor him every six months with an MRI but for now they are just going to let him slowly get off the medication. They are at The Glen in Colorado Springs (where John and I met) for a Christian conference. They took the girls. I hope they get a good picture of the family there. We have many of John and me 34 years ago. WOW that is a long time. Ben is doing well. He has a good job right now and has prospects of more. They are building a new stadium and adding on to the LAX airport so these are good long term prospects. We are praying he gets one or the other.
I am still sorting through things and the women at Goodwill know me by name. The garage is almost finished. We have one more trip to storage and we will be done. John and I are also going through clothes and getting rid of things we no longer wear. This is adding a lot of space. John's pack rat days are over. = )
I am still sorting through things and the women at Goodwill know me by name. The garage is almost finished. We have one more trip to storage and we will be done. John and I are also going through clothes and getting rid of things we no longer wear. This is adding a lot of space. John's pack rat days are over. = )
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