Oh my the wedding was wonderful. The wedding of Raquel and Leo was a sea of palm trees, white roses, chocolate and women in the most beautiful dresses. We had fun especially when the music started. I didn't understand much of the ceremony. It was all American music The BeeGees, The Village People (YMCA), Aretha, The Beatles and many more. The bride never sat down. She danced and talked and had a great night. Her dress was stunning and John ask me if her mother was a friend. She looked absolutely amazing. Every table had 4 dozen white roses. (I attached a picture) Then there were white roses everywhere else. We had steak, pasta, risotto in a cream sauce and I think mashed potatoes.Then there was a chocolate mousse with pistachio's and raspberry sauce poured over it. There were 15 couples as attendants and they were all witnesses to the marriage so they all signed the book and then hugged the bride and groom before they left the stage. Children and photographers were climbing on the stage during the whole wedding which drove me to distraction but the priest just kept right on going. I don't know how he did. I guess he is used to it all especially the photographers. The chocolate table was just unbelievable. (I attached pictures) It probably had 20 dozen white roses with many white and dark chocolate candies. It was the prettiest thing. Underneath the table was probably another 20 dozen roses. The cake was chocolate with many bows. You know how I love bows. There was a comical bride and groom on the top of the cake and she is pulling him. (I attached a picture) They even had valet parking. As we left we got yet more handmade chocolate and a bandana with their names on it and the date. It was a perfect night just perfect. I also attached a picture of me with apartment neighbor Alzil (blue dress), Claudina (daughter of our Landlord) and Mrs. Guh (one of our Landlords)
Friday, April 21, 2006
April 20, 2006
Well, it is 2:00 A.M. and John and I just got home from Raquel and Leonardo's wedding.
Yes, John was out until 2:00 A.M. I know you are all shocked. This was the most amazing wedding. The wedding invitation said 8:30 so we were on time. The bride did not actually walk down the aisle until 9:30. There were 15 couples as attendants. We were served dinner at 11:00. The dancing started at 12:00 to all American Music. Dessert was served at 1:30 and then we left. They were still going very strong. This isn't dessert. This is the chocolate you eat with your coffee in the end (probably around 4:30). We didn't last to the end but I got an amazing picture. I put it on the next letter.
This month has brought the coolest most wonderful weather. We are so grateful. I am sleeping better and my attitude is much brighter. The heat had really gotten all of us down.
Plus, with the cooler weather there are no mosquitoes. This is wonderful.
I finished my Santa Rug and I am now working on a rug for Meredith. John is taking Ben his work of art this weekend when he goes to Texas. I hope Ben likes it. He turned 26 yesterday.
We have found new restaurants the past three weeks, we went to the Bird Park for our 3rd time with Mary & Joe Cavese, we went back to Embu looking at Brazilian crafts also with the Cavese's, we did pizza's in the pizza oven of Nancy and Curt Goulding with Sam Ice as the Chef and we spent Easter Sunday with the Rodger's and the Durgin's. It was wonderful. You really miss your family on special holidays.
That is it for now. Please pray for Ben and John as they pack up and move Ben to his new home in California next week and pray for John Basel as he will be in flight training in the U.S. This will be John Well's first trip back in a year so he is excited to see friends and eat some American food. He is especially excited about an AMERICAN HAMBURGER!
Saturday, April 15, 2006
April 1, 2006 in Brazil
It is a beautiful Spring day here. 80 degrees with a small breeze. No complaining today about the weather. With the cooler weather comes less mosquitoes which is really good, not as many trips to the swimming pool and winter clothes in all the shop windows. Of course, the winter here is really like fall to us so it isn't bad. It rarely drops below 45 or that was the way it was last year. They say last year was mild.
We will be going to the wedding ceremony of one of our neighbors on April 20. We received the invitation yesterday. All wedding invitations are hand delivered. It will be a very fancy affair with the wedding and reception being held at the Tennis Club. It will be our first formal party so that will be fun. The wedding is at 8:30 so it should be a late night. It is on Thursday Night so I don't know what John will do on Friday. I'm sure it will be part of my next letter.
John is going back to France Tomorrow. It is his second trip in two weeks and I will really miss him. I guess I will just work on my rug. He went early and got to spend a couple days the first trip with Meredith and John in England. It is hard to believe they just celebrated their first anniversary. Seems like the wedding was just yesterday. They took him to Stonehenge and Stratford On Avon. He is also going to Wichita Falls on April 22 to help Ben in his move to Long Beach, California. It will be so good for him to see Ben. He hasn't been home since May 2005. He isn't like me--looking forward to eating favorite foods. My Dad always said I live to eat NOT eat to live.
We just got back from the grocery store. It was an adventure. This store is a little larger than a super Wal-mart. Since it was the first of the Month everyone in the city was buying groceries since they got paid yesterday. We won't do that again. They were so crowded. I got separated from John for about five minutes and really got panic stricken. Plus, they have price checkers on roller skates flying through the store. Oh me! What fun!
This week has brought many reports of robberies. One of the people John works with was robbed of her car, another friend's house was robbed, we found out our Portuguese teachers, Marina and Pierre, were robbed at gunpoint of everything precious to them in their home, and the plant where John works was robbed. 20 gunmen came into the plant, knocked the guard out and took all the money from the Teller Machine. The machine had just been filled so it sounds very suspicious to me. Marina and Pierre were robbed when the robbers saw their maid washing their sidewalk (yes, washing the sidewalk) and put a gun to her head and made her take them inside. Marina and Pierre had just returned from the United States. They took the new clothes, new blue jeans for their daughter and many very special things i.e. jewelry, silver, etc. Pierre said he got up this week to go walking and realized they had taken his tennis shoes also. I would appreciate your prayers while we are here. I don't know what I would do if it happened to us.
I have attached a painting by Lauren Rodgers. She is Mike and Jan Rodger's 16 year old daughter and we ask her to paint two pictures for us. They will be forever special. One is of an Amaryllis and the one I am attaching today is of parrots. We gave her a picture to go from and it is better than the picture. We are so proud of it and of her.
March in Brazil
March, 2006
I survived my travels and I am back in Brazil and adjusting. I have decided it takes me about 2 days to really start liking it here again. Nothing against the people but I just love The Great United States of America. People who complain about it should move away for a bit and they wouldn't complain anymore. I returned to very hot weather. Fortunately there have been storms almost every night which really cools things down.
I got to Wichita Falls on February 8 and spent a lot of time with Ben. He had to work but fit me into his busy schedule. We had fun shopping for groceries, eating out and talking. He is doing really well and making plans to move to California. Please pray that he will do only what God wants him to do. It is a big move for him but for us also. We feel secure knowing he is in WF close to people that can help if he needs it. I loved seeing friends and eating at all my favorite restaurants. John said it was a good thing that I did not take an extra suitcase because I would have brought many things home from The Last Straw. I always loved Spring at the store. A big thank you to Billy Edd and Joan Gowan who loaned me their car. Susan Threlkeld and I went to The American Airlines Center in Dallas to see The Gaither's. We had such fun. It revived my soul. I listen to them all day here in Brazil so to see them in person was an extra treat. The piano player, Anthony Burger, was one of the highlights for both of us. It was very sad that he passed away, at the age of 44, at one of the concerts the next week. What a blessing that we saw him when we did.
I got to Mom's in Chattanooga on February 12. It was a very full two weeks. She had car troubles, sewer troubles, tooth troubles, and one visit to the doctor. It was fun to take care of all this together. I got to see Kathy Beasley Palmer who was visiting her Mom from Philadelphia. I have decided she should give lessons on shopping. Mom and I went shopping with Kathy and her Mom. What a blessing that we have been friends for 38 years!
I left Mom's and went to Anderson, South Carolina for one day. Gail Saylors picked me up at the airport. I saw just a few friends because of the amount of time but just seeing a few special faces did my heart good. Thank you Kay Cothran & Rosemary Lindley for special times with friends and for the delicious food. It was great to catch up. Everyone looked amazing. I think we get better as we get older. Thank you Gail & Drake for letting me stay in your home. I was treated better than at a Ritz. Also, John was glad again that I had limited space in my suitcase because I could have gone nuts in Propp Drugs. I certainly miss going to market with Beth and Lee. I was sad to miss the wedding of Tammy Crooks. What a dear young lady. Doug is certainly a blessed man.
I missed the wedding of Simone here in Brazil but I am attaching a picture of the church. John traveled 8 hours to get there on really good roads except for one little section. After he told me about the hotel room I am very glad I did not go. He had fun though and made new friends. We have heard stories from friends that went to Carnaval. They want us to go next year. Who knows what a year will bring???
Thank you everyone for all kindnesses towards me over the past three weeks. God is so good to me! Love you all very much, Kathy
February in Brazil
February 5, 2006
I thought living in Texas would prepare me for any kind of weather. I can honestly say I have often wished for a storm shelter here. Because Cambui is on a hill we can see the storms coming for hours. Many times they never hit us but hit Kyle or the Rodgers but lately most of the time they have hit us. On the hottest day, when you think that you are surely going to die, a storm will materialize and a breeze will start and rain will come and it cools everything off wonderfully. My friend Cindy Kafer from Wichita Falls would LOVE the storms here. Lots of lightning and thunder and wind. When the wind comes from the east many times you can smell the salt water from the ocean that is 3 hours away. John and I were caught in a good downpour walking from having pizza last week. It felt so cool that we did not mind not having one dry thread on us when we got home. I had my first visit to a doctor here. I had a sinus and throat infection probably from my many trips to the pool. Jan Rodgers went with me and helped me so much. He gave me medicine and I felt better quickly. You just can't feel bad here. The heat and humidity zap you so much but if you are sick on top of everything it makes life pretty miserable. He sent me for x-rays. Here in Cambui you have your x-rays, you pay for them and they are yours. You do not leave them at the doctor. You bring them home. So now I have beautiful pictures of my sinus' and my lungs. I have started my Santa Claus rug and although I initially hated the stitch I love it now and don't want to do anything but work on my rug. Because it is wool it is hot and heavy on my legs so it may be more fun when it is cooler. I have told some of you that you can judge the heat of the day here by how many bathing suits are hanging to dry. Lately it has been two every day. I am starting to look very Brazilian with my brown hair and my tan. John and I also look for sidewalks with shade when we go for our walks. Anything that you can do here to be cool is worth the effort. We went to Nancy and Curt Goulding's home last night for a cook out. Curt grilled sausage, chicken, cheese & beef. He did not even cook all the meat he had bought. We also had potato salad and salad. Nancy taught us how to make papaya cream in the blender. It was so good. Kyle brought a dish her maid had made. It was a coconut pudding with prune sauce. Needless to say we were stuffed. We met a man, Larry, who is visiting from Kansas City. I will be able to ride with him to the airport on Tuesday when I come home. It will be so nice to not have to ride the bus. I will be coming to Texas on Wednesday, February 8. It will be so nice to see Ben and some of my friends there. I am going to The Gaither Concert in Dallas with my friend Susan Threlkeld. It was my Christmas Present from John. Then on Sunday, February 12, I will fly to be with my Mom in Chattanooga. I can't wait to see her. She is doing great though. We are very proud of her. I hope to get to South Carolina for one day before I leave to go back to Brazil on February 28. I'm sure I will REALLY enjoy the cold weather. I am missing two big events while in the states. Carnival and the wedding of Simone to Sebastien. John will probably sleep through Carnival but is planning on traveling to the wedding of Simone. Without her his time here in Brazil would have been much more difficult. She has helped him so much at work. Unfortunately she will be moving to France where her husband will be a chef. Our Portuguese is getting better and I am starting to understand more every day. Please don't quit praying though as we both have far to go. John's work is going extremely well. The people are wonderful to him there. God is so good! Well the bells from the beautiful Catholic Church tell me it is 11:00. I'd better get busy. We are having the Fore Family and our Portuguese Teachers, Marina and Pierre, over to watch the Super Bowl.I have attached a picture of one of the parking places here. I thought you would enjoy.
Christmas in Brazil 2005
Dear Friends,
We had a wonderful Christmas with Meredith and John. They arrived on December 16 and left on December 26. We shopped, ate at new restaurants, played games (John Basel won the first three nights. Meredith won the last game.), went to the movies (Saw King Kong and Narnia), and walked around the city. I hope they had fun. We sure did enjoy having them here. I'm glad they got to see where we are. That way they understand what is going on. We did go to the Plant Christmas Party while they were here so they also got to see where John works. The night before it poured rain so everything was a mess but the band was great. It is different celebrating Christmas in 85 degree weather. John Basel and I got to have a Bob's milkshake. It is Ovaltine. It is so delicious. The Ovaltine makes it crunchy. I told John Wells I can't have another one for two weeks or it may become a addiction. Christmas was just another excuse to celebrate by shooting off fireworks. They went off way into the morning. If Soccer wins and Christmas are like this what will New Year's Eve be like? Mary Cavese told me one of the traditions here is to go to the beach, wear white, stand in the waves and let 7 waves hit you and make a wish with each wave and then throw flowers in the ocean. I thought it sounded beautiful. We talked to both Ben and Mom and they were doing good. I'm sure they missed our bright and cute faces but they had a good Christmas. We went to the mall the day after Christmas thinking there would be a lot of sales. The mall was deserted and there were no sales. We were surprised. The parking lot was virtually empty. The streets here are also quiet and deserted. I guess everyone is at the beach. My Portuguese Teacher, Marina, took me to check out the Gym that I hear every morning from the apartment. It backs up to our apartment. We walked in and there were 50 beautiful, buff Brazilian women working out. I couldn't find the exit fast enough. I'll just have to work out in the privacy of my apartment.The thing I miss this week is sausage and biscuits. I made some biscuits while the kids were here. They weren't great but they were ok. Not as good as Cracker Barrel. We did get to listen to the Clemson/Colorado Bowl Game on the computer. We are certainly glad they won. Something that does baffle me though is the Clemson Basketball team has won 12 straight games and they are unranked. (I also realize the first teams they have played are not the cream of the crop.) But, then there is Wake Forest who has lost two games and they are ranked. I am baffled! May God richly bless 2006 for you and for your family and may you find joy and peace in His wonderful AMAZING GRACE.
January 15, 2006 in Brazil
Picture: Nancy Goulding seated left and Mary Cavese seated right. Standing is Kyle Ice, Marina Coudry (my patient teacher) & me
Hello from HOT Brazil. I can say I am extremely grateful for air conditioners in the bedrooms and a pool downstairs. They will both be used extensively to get me through the heat. (I've always been a cold weather girl.) The one good thing is you do not need blow dryers here because your hair is dry before you get out of the shower.
This week I am grateful for many things:
1. For my sweet husband who, after 12-13 hours at work which includes taking Portuguese for three hours, driving to and from work (2 hours) and working at Saint Gobain, takes me out to dinner and the movie. I know he'd really rather collapse on the couch.
2. For our American friends here who help make life here so much fun. Last night we went to the #1 restaurant in Campinas. It is a French Restaurant called Letroquet. Oh my goodness it was good. We arrived at 8 and it was empty. When we left at 11:15 it was full.
The Brazilian people love to eat late. I had garlic and parsley crusted shrimp, rice, carrots and spinach souffle and for dessert we had eclairs with vanilla ice cream & HOT chocolate poured over it. IT WAS SO GOOD. I'll need to do a lot of walking today to make up for it.
3. For the Fore Family who came to our home to watch the TEXAS/USC ball game. Football takes on new meaning when watching football with SIX Texas fans. We had such a good night and stood for the last 10 minutes of the game because we were too excited to sit. They left VERY happy at 3:30. The game was in Portuguese but that did not matter.
4. For the lack of TV here. I don't miss watching politics on TV.
5. For Fireworks. New Years Eve took on a new meaning too in this city of two million. I believe every person in the city shot off fireworks. It was a great display that lasted from 11:30 to 1:30. I watchedfrom the balcony of our apartment and enjoyed every minute.
6. For my new rug. I FINALLY finished the rug I had been working on since September. I am now working on a Santa rug and it is such a change. It is a different stitch, which I don't like, but I am adjusting. Santa is surrounded by a rabbit, a teddy bear, a dove & a dog. I hope I finish by next Christmas.
7. For Ben SURPRISING my Mom with a visit. He said the look on her face when she saw him standing there was priceless. They shopped, they went to Dad's grave, they ate, and most of all they visited. He left to go back home rested and full of Mom's good cooking.
8. For Meredith's new job. She really likes the people she is working with and she is ready for the challenge. She said they are grateful for her too because she already knows what she is doing and they do not have to train her.
9. For the friendly people of Brazil. Mary Cavese and I were walking one day. After eating lunch and sitting in the park, looking up in the trees to look for parrots we stopped at this restaurant to just look at a menu. The owner had just opened 12 days before. He took Mary & me on a tour of the kitchen, showed us his homemade pasta, and sat us down with two complimentary desserts. We took our husbands back on Friday and had a wonderful meal.
It happens all the time. People are so gracious and kind here.
10. For my mother's neighbor in Chattanooga, Margaret Martin, who recently had knee replacement surgery. They have been neighbors for 50 years. Please pray that this makes her life wonderful and much more comfortable.
Signing off and on my way to the pool. Come see us in beautiful Brazil.
Love, Kathy
December 2006 in Brazil
Picture: Jim and Katherine in the gardens of our apartment.
We had such a good Thanksgiving with Katherine (John's sister) and her husband, Jim. We picked them up at the Sao Paulo airport and drove to the beach at Guaruja. The drive to the beach included going through a set of tunnels probably 3 miles long through these beautiful mountains. It was so interesting. Rising out of the water are these beautiful mountains. It was a restful way to spend a first day after such a long trip. The sand had no sea shells. I thought this so different. The hotel staff sifts the sand to make sure there is no debris before people arrive. The pool was huge and so warm. I could have stayed forever. We left Sunday morning and traveled to a city called Embu. This is where the shops and tents are open on the weekend. I guess there were 500 tents or shops or booths. There were SO many people. We did buy a few things but mostly enjoyed just looking at the beautiful things Brazilian people make. The next week was spent shopping, walking through Cambui and eating at wonderful restaurants. It usually meant we would be soaking wet when we arrived back to the apartment because it was so hot. My hair and Katherine's were soaking wet the whole week. Jim and John were most patient and went everywhere willingly. John took us all on a tour of his plant in Capivari which is about an hour away. We all enjoyed seeing what he does every day. Then, it came time to pack. I was shocked that they were able to get EVERYTHING in their bags. They are seasoned professionals at this. We sure did enjoy their visit. I really miss sitting on the porch with them. I restrained myself all weekend about CLEMSON beating U.S.C. in football. I'm such a wonderful hostess.
Living in an apartment in the middle of such a big city has advantages and disadvantages.
The advantages are: walking everywhere to get anything you need, sitting on the balcony and looking at the beauty around us, feeling extremely safe because of the guards at the gate, and not having a big house to clean (although this apartment is bigger than our home in Wichita Falls). Also, all buildings here are totally made of concrete. Houses too. This is partly because of the termite problem here in Brazil. You can see mounds as big as a small car in the fields. This tells you why I have not once seen a fire truck.
The disadvantages though are numerous: 1. Soccer is BIG here and when there is a game you cannot imagine the passion. The bar on the corner celebrates LOUDLY. The other night the Corinthians won and there was probably 500 fireworks set off. It reminded me of Tigerama at Clemson. Our apartment
shook. 2. Garbage trucks come at 2-3 in the morning. Coming up our hill they make 4 stops and the man loading yells GO after he finishes every load. SO if your windows are OPEN you count the loads knowing that at number 4 all this will go away. 3. We are next to TWO gyms. EVERY morning at 7:00 you hear these instructors screaming at their class instructions. IT should have prompted me to join one of these places but I haven't yet.
This past week we did many things: 1. We watched Papai Noel (Santa Claus) arrive in a helicopter to the excitement of many children. 2. We visited a fabulous German Bakery. I am so, so glad it is far away (30 minutes). If it was close it would be bad news. 3. I went to the Portuguese Class picnic and had a wonderful time. I saw a demonstration as to how to make a Brazilian Drink called a Caipirinha. I have never been a drinker and one sip made me realize why. One of the women there said she has been known to sip on one for an entire evening. 4. John went on a team building weekend with the people from his work. I am sure four days of speaking Portuguese will put him totally over the edge. We got our new bed and although it is a queen it is much bigger than our queen bed from the States. I would say 4 inches bigger. We are so glad we bought it. John missed his annual Clemson retreat with his bud's from Clemson the first week of December. It was always a wonderful Spiritual renewal forhim and a great time to catch up with old friends. I told him we would plan a trip back next year. I do not want him tomiss it again. I made a trip to Sao Paulo with a driver to get my RNE card. This is a very important card and would enable me to be able to quit carrying my passport everywhere I go. I got to the Federal Police Department and waited and waited and the lawyer finally asked what was taking so long and they said they had sent my papers to Campinas. So we got in the car and drove two hours back home and started all over the next day. I'm so glad to have my card. It means I do not have to take so much with me all the time. I've learned how to listen to ESPN on the computer and that brings me much joy. I listen most of the day. When ESPN is not on the computer I usually have the Gaithers on the TV. My friend, Kathy Palmer and her Mom Mary Beasley, sent me Oprah's 20th Anniversary Tapes for Christmas. It has brought me such joy. We are having our rug meeting here on Thursday so the girls can watch some too. I also gave John three years of tapes of Macgyver so He enjoys that. I try to watch them but they just don't bring me the joy they bring John. Ben and I lost Marcellis this week. Ben came home from work and found him dead. Many in our K-group are probably rejoicing as they did not appreciate my little furry PET RAT. But he was a blessing and brought Ben and me great enjoyment.
Meredith and John have settled in England. Their furniture will not arrive until January. She has a job and starts in January too. They do not have a phone yet.
Many of you have ask for things you can send. For John and me there isn't much except graham crackers, wheat thins, ANY newspaper, chocolate chips, cherry jell-o and taco seasonings. For the missionary kids there are a few SWEET things they miss a lot. Cherry Twizzlers, Milky ways, butterfingers, double bubble, blow pops and for Christopher Fore ANY article, any magazine, ANYTHING about his Texas Longhorns in it. I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a blessed 2006. I will be praying for you this year.
Love, Kathy & John
November in Brazil
It has been a long time since I last wrote. It took me a while to adjust to my return to Brazil. It is shell shock all over again. Here I go. I so enjoyed my visit to Wichita Falls. I got to see my precious son, Ben, go to Grace Church, see The Last Straw beautifully decorated for Christmas, and see many precious friends. I was spoiled by my K-group with dinner & goodies in my room, I got to shop with Ben at Sam's and Market Street and eat dinner with friends at all the places I have missed so much. Thank you Susan Threlkeld for the shopping & the cookies. For everyone's time I am most grateful. What a treat to have Red Lobster again and Jean's Tasty Burgers with Onion Rings. Oh my! I visited my doctor's and got mostly good reports. I need to watch my blood sugar a bit closer but my weight was down and he was pleased with that. I then traveled to yet another doctor in Atlanta and had some scary moles removed and spent a couple days with Gail and Drake Saylors. The blessing was that all the summer clothes were REALLY on sale and that is what I needed. I was able to get many cool clothes for less than half what I would have paid if they were fresh off the racks. God is so good. Then I was off to Mom's and a wonderful 2 weeks with her. She is doing great except for pain in her back and just Tuesday was given an epidural to try to relieve some of the pain. I sure do hope it works and so does she. Her quality of life would be so much better if that pain wasn't there. We watched TV (Food Channel), visited with my cousins, Angela and Brenda Gayle, visited with lots of friends, shopped a bit but mostly spent quality time together. I have really missed that a lot. Meredith got to come for a weekend and that was so much fun to have 3 generations together. I left on November 1 to come back and it has been a good 18 days so far. I got to meet with our friends and deliver surprises from the states. I especially enjoyed delivering the licorice to Ben Rodgers. He was most pleased. We have grilled with the Atkisson's and the Rodger's and I got to go to a birthday celebration at Kyle Ice's Home for Nancy Goulding. We had such a good time driving there. It is in a community called Valinhos and it took us around 30 minutes to get there but it certainly was a great trip. I finally told Mary Cavese that she would ride shotgun on the way home. I have never been a good map person but Nancy was most patient and in the end we did get there ok. Kyle & Sam's house has 13 bathrooms. It is just another "Beverly Hills" type home. Guest house, Pool, Barbeque area (with bedroom & bath) and the most beautiful yard you have ever seen. I understand now why she sticks close to home most of the time. Plus it is really a drive. She is always so sweet to give me rides and now that I know how far she comes I am REALLY grateful. I am back to taking Portuguese class, working on my rug, and visiting my favorite restaurant, Romano's. It will be lonely as Mary & Joe Cavese are celebrating his 60th birthday on a cruise around South America (rough life), Kyle Ice is visiting her Dad for two weeks and Nancy is going with her husband to Switzerland. I guess they are paying me back for being gone 3 weeks. Some good things are on the horizon though: We pick Katherine and Jim (John's sister & her husband) up at the airport on Saturday morning and we will go to the beach & to a village shopping. They will be here a week. We will totally ignore the fact that Clemson and South Carolina play on Saturday especially since Jim is a law professor there. Then, Meredith and John will be coming for Christmas. That will make the time fly by. A lot has happened the last couple weeks. Shirley & Larry now have 14 grandchildren with the arrival of Champ Reeves and Kinsley Kate Canter. We lost a dear friend from Wichita Falls, James Hickman. His wife Nelda was one of my bosses at The Last Straw. What a sweet man. It is hard to be so far away when something like this happens. Another birth that has brought me great joy is Kendall York, Ashley Aiken York's new little girl. It is a great treat to look at Her Blog every week to watch her change. While I was in Chattanooga one of my Dad's dear friends passed away. He and his wife were really there for me when Daddy was sick so I was very glad to be there for his wonderful service. It was done by my childhood pastor, J. Ralph McIntyre and was a precious, sweet service.
We have seen two answers to prayer. 1: The Fore's crate had been sitting in port in Sao Paulo since June. I told John to call Hank Carter at First Baptist, WF, and tell him to get people to pray. That next DAY they called to say it would be delivered the next week. We rejoice. It was delivered on Tuesday and it was like Christmas at their house going through the boxes. 2: A couple we have met here Francisco & Marisa Salles (in their 60's) have had to move out of their apartment and sell their car because he does not have a job. This very bright man (educated at Vanderbilt with a PHD) is very humbled as he has known great jobs before and made much money. A friend from their church gave them an apartment to live in here in Campinas. They were going to lease one of their parking spaces to make money. Each apartment has 2 spaces. The man that wanted to lease their space was looking for a man with his degree. He brought him an application. He may be able to start work in January. Isn't that just wonderful???John had a wonderful time traveling to plants in Europe with his co-worker, Paulo. They visited many beautiful places and met many nice people. He is still struggling with the Portuguese Language. Please pray that we would pick up this language so we can communicate with the wonderful people here in Brazil. Our teachers are most patient with us but it is the most difficult thing John and I have had to do in our adult life.We have made our first big purchase here. Probably our only big purchase. We bought a bed and desk. Thanks to Jan Rodgers who went with me and Cynthia Fore. It was an ordeal and would have truly put me over the edge were it not for her calm nature. After trying to use 4 cards we finally had to call John to bring a check. Mike Rodgers also came for support. It took all five of us to buy the bed. Oh MY I hope it is comfortable! There is 3 hours difference EST and 4 hours difference CST now. When you FALL back we FALL forward. Also, it is SUMMER HERE. I thought after I went on the mission trip with Grace Church that I would never take a cold shower again. Now I take 2-3 a DAY!!! I miss you all very much. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. There is so much to be thankful for. I am especially thankful for you, our wonderful family and friends.
Friday, April 14, 2006
September 21, 2005 in Brazil
SEPTEMBER 21, 2005
The last couple weeks have been exceptionally good. Our only struggle still being the language. John is trying so hard but it is certainly difficult. Your continued prayer in this area is greatly appreciated. We have fluffy clothes again thanks to Mike Rodgers. It ended up being the fuse box and he discovered it. It is so nice to not have to iron everything. I only do one load a week anyway. So different with just the two of us. It used to be a load a day. Two weeks ago we went to Americana to look for a rug (tapete). We got lost and John called one of the men he works with and he came and found us. Paulo and his wife Bete and their newly adopted precious daughter, Ana Clara, helped us find the rug place, buy the rug and then took us to their home and fed us. We got to see their vacation pictures of their travels in Peru (before Ana Clara) and meet many of their family. John spent a week in France. He ask me what I wanted him to bring me. Perfume? Chocolate? Purse? All I wanted was Frito's or Rice Krispies. He found the Rice Krispies but was unable to find the frito's. I'll get them in the states when I visit. We visited Holambra on Independence Day here in Brazil. It is a Dutch Settlement and they have a huge flower show every year for the month of September. The flowers were amazing. (Unfortunately, this is when John got speeding ticket #2.) I especially loved the Amaryllis bulbs. There were probably 3,000 of them and it took my breath away. The Dutch children performed a wonderful dance in their wooden shoes and native costumes. It was a perfect day. We had a horrible storm (tempestade). I just knew the hail was going to either break our glass table on the balcony or the sliding glass doors. We ended up having no damage but our game room to our apartment lost two doors to the hail and wind. It was as bad as some of the storms we saw in Texas but more visible as we are on the 7th floor. It was so bad it knocked down many trees and to people's dismay killed many pigeons. The street people gathered them up though and had a big barbecue. I have made many new friends the past three weeks. Tracey and Brian Calfo have moved here from Greenville, South Carolina. He is with Bosch and worked at the plant in Anderson. He couldn't believe it was just 3 miles from where we used to live. I also met Mary Cavese who is moving here from Cincinnati. Her husband is with Proctor and Gamble. Kyle, Nancy and I continue to work on our rug-making twice a week. It is fun to listen to the women talk. I never understand them but every once in a while I recognize a word. Kyle will be my soulmate throughout this journey. She is God's blessing! We met a couple through the nearby Baptist Church, Francisco & Marisa Selles, that grew up very poor. He was able to study hard and ended up getting a full scholarship to Vanderbilt University in Economics. They are a really sweet couple. They are a bit older than us. John is helping him with his resume as he has recently lost his job. I had the best meal since I've been here at our Italian Restaurant. It was meatballs stuffed with almonds, cheese, & raisins. It was so delicious. We went with Kyle & her husband, Sam. Sam also ordered a delicious appetizer. It was french bread with layers of goat cheese, sliced summer sausage, and mushrooms.
Things I have learned:
*I may not have to depend on a plane to fly home. The mosquitoes may carry me there!!!!
*They eat their big meal at lunch. Small meal at supper. This may be why they don't have weight problems here very much.
*You do not ever put your purse on the floor of a restaurant. They bring you a chair just for your purse.
*Because of all the huge and profitable companies here in Campinas it is called The Silicon Valley of South America.
*They sell cows all day every day on one of the channel's on TV.
*There are moths that are called bat moths. They sure do wake you up fast when they surprise you in the shower. Just ask John.
*I always said I would not have a maid here but the wood floors changed my mind. Eliana comes every Tuesday and cleans and cooks. Our favorites are her lasagna & beef stroganoff so far. She is very sweet and has only worked for Americans. Maybe someday I will be able to talk to her.
*We listened to the Tigers play football on the Internet. It hurts just as bad when they loose here in Brazil as it did in "Death Valley".
September in Brazil
First of all, all of the Americans here and many Brazilians also are praying for the Hurricane Katrina victims. It has been hard for some of the missionaries here as they either have family in these areas or they were raised in New Orleans or Biloxi, Mississippi. It is very hard to watch on FoxNews here. It looks like it should be happening in another country and not the United States of America. Since the last letter we visited a bird park which is a zoo in the USA. The birds were unbelievable. Bright reds, blues, and yellows. The monkeys and the ostriches put on a show for us. We went with the Fore Family who also moved here from Wichita Falls. They will be here until April before they move to their permanent post in northern Brazil. What a precious family they are. It was fun to see the animals through the eyes or their children. We also went to see the Fore Family play their violins at the Portuguese Baptist Church here. What a wonderful treat to hear the beautiful hymns they performed. Truly blessed. We had a luncheon at our Portuguese School and our teacher, Marina, showed us how to make a Portuguese fish dish called Peixe a Moda Capixaba. It was made with layers of tomatoes, fish, olive oil, onion, and the milk of a coconut. I tried two bites. Fish isn't my favorite. I met two new friends through my Portuguese Class. Kyle Ice, who has been here 3 years and Nancy Goulding from Kansas City who arrived about the same time as we did. We have had lunch and they will be good friends for me for our time here. We went walking and I wiped out on the cobblestone streets and my new friends picked me up and dusted me off and on we went. Although I was embarrassed--I was also so glad to not be hurt.The house the company is renting for Kyle and her husband, Sam, has 13 bathrooms. They love bathrooms here. Even our little apartment has 5.
One of the PCA Presbyterian Missionaries here, Lynn Adkisson, blessed me so much by making me homemade applesauce. I eat some every meal and feel like I am eating Motts except it is even better. David and Lynn Adkisson have been faithful friends to us here. They pick me up for Bible Study every Wednesday and we've eaten out a couple times and gone to the movie. We are truly blessed. They have 3 children. Hillary, Jacob and Taylor. Another missionary couple here with The Navigators, Mike and Jan Rodgers, have been so wonderful to us. They have 3 children also: Seth, Lauren & Ben. Mike taught John how to drive here in Campinas. Without his help he would not do the magnificent job he does. It still amazes me how well he gets around here. They also went with us to an Italian Restaurant and I had the best spaghetti I've ever had and a dessert here that is very popular which is just two thick slices of pineapple flamed with ice cream. OH MY!!!!! I just realized that I talk alot about food in my newsletters.The new things this week: 1. First rain after 50 days. It was wonderful. It settled the dust and made things so much better. Although we are two hours from the ocean we could smell the salt water when the wind was blowing the rain this way. 2. We found sour cream at a really nice grocery store here in Campinas. It isn't like ours but is very close. 3. I was here by myself all week. John is in France. It was tough but so far so good. I felt safe. 4. I found out that a "head of lettuce" in US is a "foot of lettuce" here in Brazil. 5. I found a CHRISTMAS Shop and it reminds me so much of my dear friends at The Last Straw. I can't wait to see what they have done to the store when I get there on October 8.Thank you for your e-mails and your prayers not only for us but for our precious children Ben, Meredith and John and my Mom, Dot. We are most grateful.
August in Brazil
It has been almost 3 weeks since our last update. A lot has happened so here goes.
It was a time of many firsts.
1) I got very sick with a virus and to Meredith's horror John told everyone the intimate details.
2) John and I went to the most wonderful Dentist. Her name is Rute but in Portuguese pronounced Hoochie. I had been told in the states that I needed a crown. She said absolutely not. She said the filling was just cracked. She replaced the filling and cleaned my teeth for $100 in Real which is probably $45 American. It was my best Dental Experience in my 53 years of being alive.
3) We saw our first movie in Portuguese. Fantastic Four. John understood a bit of the movie but the action was so good that it was enjoyable to both of us.
4) I had my first haircut. I went to a man called PH (Peter Henrique). I felt like I was in the chair of Edward Scissorhands. Hair was flying everywhere. 15 minutes later I looked pretty good. They washed my hair in what I would call a trough for cows. There were 6 other women getting their hair sprayed and washed. It was very interesting. He was very nice. My Portuguese teacher had written how I wanted it cut and he did it perfectly.
5) We found the most wonderful sandwich thanks to Mike Rodgers, one of the Navigators here. It is a Misto Quente. HOT HAM AND CHEESE. Oh it is so good. They serve it with FRENCH FRIES. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
The Malls are open here until Midnight. On the weekends you can hardly walk because of the people at 9:30-10:00. Restaurants here do not even open until 7 here. Now all of you know John and he eats at 6. So that means we won't be eating out much.The thing I miss this week is grass. There is none. Everything is covered by concrete. Isn't that sad? With so many people everyinch of space is either an apartment, a house or a parking garage.There are olives on EVERYTHING. They love olives here. They are used here like mushrooms in the USA. We met The Fore Family from Wichita Falls. They moved here the same time we did with the Southern Baptist Association. They are so sweet. We have eaten with them twice and went with them to church also. It was Father's Day here in Brazil and John even got a nifty gift at the Baptist Church. We will here them all play their violins at church on Sunday Night. That will be a treat.There are people who drive through the streets with loud speakers yelling and screaming about something they are dissatisfied with. It is usually the government. There has been a huge scandal here and it has come out that many in all parts of the government were taking bribes. Many have resigned. The President here has a 10th grade education. I do not know what will happen to him. The dollar suffers because of it here. When the dollar suffers so do the missionaries because their money from the states doesn't go as far. Birthday's are a very big deal here! Especially a girl's 15th. It means a big expensive party and fancy dresses and lots of gifts and people. Almost like a debutante party in USA. There are drugs here too. They use kites to show people where they are. One of the interns from church wanted to take a picture of one of the kites and was later told never ever do that again. They would kill you. They also use firecrackers to warn people to stay away when there are cops. You hear firecrackers go off all night.Well, I've been here 49 days. This week has been a blue one for me. I miss everyone a lot especially my precious children and my Mom. I thought learning Portuguese would come easier and both John and I are struggling with it. I'm glad we have very patient teachers. I know we are here because God wants us here. If I did not believe that I would feel like I was under some punishment. Pray that He will reveal more and more of Himself to John and me everyday.
Brazil update
Well, this has been a good 10 days since my last update. I've been here 36 days and I am still alive. I guess I'll be staying. John is glad about that although my cooking here has much to be desired. I've never had a gas stove so everything is either burned, undercooked or inedible. I tried to cook a root vegetable last night that everyone said tasted like a sweet potato. They are SO wrong. It was nasty and got thrown away. Since your garbage is gone through by the people on the street I'm sure they won't appreciate the mess. We started taking Portuguese lessons from a sweet couple this week-Marina & Pierre. He started the school Interclass 30 years ago and is so kind. He teaches John at Interclass 3 mornings a week and Marina comes to our apartment everyday at 4:30 for me. I look forward to seeing her every day and meet her downstairs at the gate. It makes her laugh when I am there. I met Pierre when I got lost. I don't get lost anymore. He gave me a great map. I had a visit from our landlord and her three daughters. They are Korean and have lived here since 1968. She was 62 but I would have said 40. Her daughters speak fluent English and we had the best time. One is 34 and an architect, one is 32 and a lawyer and the other is 27 and a business major. They are all three brilliant and still unmarried women which isn't uncommon here. They are also very strong Christians and we had wonderful conversation. I was sad when they left. They worked & worked on our TV to get it in working order. We were most grateful. I made strawberries dipped in white chocolate and Chips Ahoy cookies and they ate and ate. John gave me permission to serve some of his Chips Ahoy!! They are precious as I only brought 5 boxes. We tried to get our dryer to work but evidently it is too strong. The electrician changed the cord but the voltage must be off because it blows the fuse every time. I guess it is back to the old ironing board again. Boo Hoo! My #1 splurge is the cleaners. I take John's shirts to the cleaners. I iron the rest including towels, underwear and t-shirts. I listen to my Portuguese tapes while I iron so maybe it is profitable after all. This is winter break here and many of the families left for the month of July and went back to the states. It has been very busy since school started back on Monday, August 1. Some students go from 7-12:00 and the other students go from 1-6. That way they can take care of all the students. I meet many of the students downstairs in the apartment. They like to practice their English with me. Many have studied in USA. It takes being from an affluent family to be able to do this. The Navigator couple, Mike and Jan Rogers, have been in USA for the month of July so I haven't met them yet. They sure have been good to John. We heard from Meredith and John last night and they will be stationed starting in January at the Royal Air Force Base in Lakenheath England. I guess our family is going to be on three continents for a while. They sounded excited - especially John. It will be a wonderful time for them. I hope they can travel about. We will go to see them. I called Ben and he is having job troubles. He is such a good hard worker. It makes me sad that he cannot find a job where he is appreciated. He is looking in Wichita Falls. I hope he finds something that makes him really happy. John made the weekly letter because he got his first speeding ticket. In Campinas there are areas where there are electronic devices. If the device reads you are speeding it takes a picture of your tag and 3 weeks later you get a surprise in the mail in the form of a ticket. Unfortunately John's ticket goes to the plant where he works as the car is registered there. I bet he doesn't get another. All of the people we have met have MANY tickets so it isn't unusual. There are no day cares here. Families takes care of their grandbabies if they have to work. There are no nursing homes. Family takes care of their older parents if they need to. It is a very family oriented society here. Son's do not marry until late 30's or early 40's. Many daughters are the same. Also, you rarely see anyone smoke here. It is expensive and no one does it in public. On the street corners of busy streets there are jugglers, mimes and window-washers. You can buy anything while waiting for the light to turn green. They are what I would call beggars but they put on a show for you and then walk back through the cars for donations. The jugglers are very good but we don't give. They use the money for drugs or alcohol. The mime cussed at one couple we were riding with because they did not give. It is pitiful to see. There is a class system here. It is very hard to get into college. If you are in a Brazilian school you are not prepared for the test. If you are in a private school you are blessed. The test must be very hard. They say harder than the SAT. There are levels of college too. Good, better & best. Best is most difficult to get into.
Things I miss since last letter.
1. Being able to say to John "stop and pick something up for dinner!"
2. Good ice cream.
3. Applebee's, Chili's, waffle house, cracker barrel, Luby's, Krispy Creme and Red Lobster!!
4. Sour Cream. If ANYONE knows of a powdered substitute that I can bring back PLEASE let me know. It would make some of the food so much better.
Some other things that are interesting: Time here is military time. I am so glad Meredith married a military man because I had gotten used to that. We are in the Eastern South America Standard Time Zone. There are no commercials on the TV here. Traffic is absolutely horrible. Atlanta & Dallas traffic are NOTHING compared to the way people drive here. I am so proud of John that he is first of all still alive and second that he does such a good job. I won't be getting a car and I won't be driving. Taxi's are going to know the way to our apartment very well. Thank you so much for your prayers and e-mails. They really mean a lot to us. We serve a wonderful Master and He is taking good care of us in Brazil.
Brazil in Winter haha!
July 20, 2005 Some more differences are the milk isn't refrigerated. That has been the hardest thing for me. I have yet to drink a glass of milk. John has and he hasn't died yet.
We have eaten at TGI Fridays, Outback Steak House and Pizza Hut. What a relief to have food that I recognize. They even have menu's written in English. So far there is only one restaurant that I have found that I really like and it is a lunch place. All the others haven't agreed with me at all. All the streets in Cambui are brick so it is major bumpy. All the sidewalks are done by each individual store so you have to really be alert when you go walking. One trip and you would be on your face. The apartment is looking pretty good. I've still got to work on the closets some and hang some pictures but all in all we are in pretty good shape. John's office is going to take about a month but I'm not going to nag. He leaves at 7 and doesn't get home until 7 so he can have a messy office. I miss TV. Especially the shows that I love like The Food Channel, ESPN, & Regis & Kelly but I'm adjusting. At least we have Fox news. I wouldn't have a clue were it not for Fox. It is 60 degrees here and people are bundled up like there is a blizzard coming. I'm in my comfortable summer dresses and they look at me like I'm an idiot. We've gotten two letters from home. George and Jan Banta & Joe and Pam Broyles wrote us. You would have thought someone had delivered gold when I saw there was mail. I'm sure the guards at the apartment thought I was nuts. As well as I can tell it takes 9-10 days for a letter to arrive.
Everyone has dogs here. They, too, have their coats to wear in this cold weather. They all have little bows in their ears and are treated like children. We are hoping for a good movie at the theater but so far they haven't changed. Ben wants us to go see The Fantastic Four. Ben had dinner with Hank and Sandy Angell and said it was wonderful. We are grateful that he has a contact. He said they are really cool. That is a huge compliment coming from him. Meredith and John are awaiting their next assignment. I believe that date is August 4.
Moving into our apartment
July 7, 2005
Meredith called last night and sounded teary. She said she just misses being able to talk to me whenever she wants to. I wish she would e-mail more but she just doesn't have time. They find out in 3 weeks where they will go. England, Alaska, or Idaho. There is also an option of staying there in Goldsboro but John doesn't think that will happen. We'll see.
I got worried about Ben because no one had heard from him since I left over a week ago so I called him. His phone is broken and so is his computer. I sent him money for a new modem and he is going to get it when he is off this week. I miss him a lot. It is very hard to be so far away from family and friends. They delivered the furniture on Friday and John and I worked all weekend to get it all straightened up. I felt for the packers because we are on the 7th floor so that meant they had to put the stuff on the elevator and then unload at the apartment. The floors are hardwood and they are very picky about us taking care of them so I was so paranoid about scratches. We check out of the hotel in the morning. We almost have everything situated at the apartment but it is really a mess because of the boxes everywhere. I hope someone will help me get the boxes out in the morning so I can get everything straightened up. I can't wait to go to the vegetable/fruit market tomorrow. We are going to have corn on the cob, broccoli, and potatoes. I may not have meat for a week. I have missed vegetables very much. I also miss our fruit. The fruit here is weird and very different. I miss my cantaloupe. It is my favorite thing about summertime. I'll take pictures of the apartment as soon as I get everything situated.Also, we were walking back to the apartment (all you do is walk around here! no wonder Brazilian women are skinny) and everyone in the bars, restaurants and ice cream parlors were gathered around the TV watching the soccer game. They really get into soccer around here. It just isn't as exciting to me as football. The ice cream parlors here are so interesting. There are probably 60 different flavors and 25 different toppings. You scoop it in the plate. You can go nuts with the scooper. They do not have vanilla. They have something called condensed milk ice cream and it was too grainy. The best one is the one called cream. It is made from the cream that comes to the top after a cow is milked. The taste is different because they are grain-fed cows but it is still good. Then after you have piled up the ice cream you weigh it and pay by weight. IT is still so cheap. I had 5 different scoops with toppings for $3 American dollars. Our friend Larry Reeves would really have a good time. He loves ice cream. The restaurants deliver by motorcycle and there are only Little bitty cars here. Cars that will barely seat 2 people. We have a four door so there is room for 4. There is one car that is so tiny. I see it and laugh. It is called a KA. I am going to a church tomorrow where the kids want to learn English. Everyone here wants to know English. They love to hear you talk. They think I sound funny probably because of my Tennessee-Georgia-South Carolina-Texas accent. I will get my first taxi so that should be interesting. Taxi's are even little around here. I start Portuguese lessons in two weeks. I really need to be able to talk to people. I know words but can't talk to them in sentences.
Vacation Bible School in Brazil
Tuesday, July 5
Today is my Mom's 82nd birthday. Happy Birthday MOM!
I just had an experience with Vacation Bible School.
We had 126 impoverished, desperately poor and needy children.
They were not well behaved at all and it was extremely exhausting.
I can't believe I have to go back tomorrow.
Many had lice and runny noses.
I kind of kept things rolling and stayed away from them.
I am covered in paint.
I met many sweet precious people though from church.
The pastor and his wife are very nice.
There were two girls helping out for two weeks at the church from Covenant College in Chattanooga.
It was a lot of fun getting to know them.
I guess it was more fun than sitting in the room and doing nothing.
The biggest rodent lives here in Sao Paulo.
They are rats but they are the size of pigs.
They are nasty critters. I will never complain again about a little rat. They are called capybara.
I guess every day is going to be a new experience for a while.
Love, Kathy
My first walk about town
July 4, 2005
It is Independence Day in The United States Of America but not here. John had to work so I just got back from a long walk. It is like heaven here. Flowers are everywhere and people are so friendly. I am glad we are living in Cambui. It is a small community and there are lots of shops and places to eat. I went into one shop and it had the prettiest silk flowers. I bought two bouquets of Amaryllis. They will be pretty in our guest room. One is white and one is red. They did not speak English but they found someone next door that did. He teaches Portuguese and he was so nice to me. His name is Pierre Coudry. John is looking for a new Portuguese teacher so I got his card and I am going to tell John about him. He has been teaching for 36 years. I have the windows open in the hotel room and there is a wonderful breeze coming in. I wish I had a tan. Everyone looks at me like I am a pitiful woman. I sat by the pool this morning. I wish I had a bathing suit. I would definitely be out there daily to try to tan this body. I have decided that brown fat is better than white. Two things different here. No commercials on TV. I do get Fox News. What a blessing. It is one of 5 stations in English. The other thing is the mall here is the biggest in South America. IT is huge. John and I stopped and had this FABULOUS dessert. It was a crispy chocolate cake with a scoop of ice cream and then it was covered in chocolate syrup. OH MY GOODNESS. Also, they do not have any disposable dishes or utensils at the mall. Everything is china and silver. I have made a new friend here. He is the valet. I guess I tip very well and he always runs to see if I need help. I wish you could see the shoe shops here. Chanel & Prada shoes-$25.00. It is unbelievable. I also found a shop of purses that were so cheap. I wish you were here to shop with me. Don't worry about letters. Meredith mailed John's Father's Day Card on June 7 and it still isn't here. I mailed a box to John and it still isn't here 3 weeks later.
My first days in Brazil
Sunday, July 3, 2005
I then went into the American Airlines port. I was supposed to leave at 4:47 but did not leave until around 6:00. Then once we were on the plane the storm hit and we sat there until after 7:30. That put us in Miami around 9 and I just knew the plane would be gone but it waited because they had sent my luggage ahead from Atlanta and they could not load a plane until all luggage was matched with the passengers. I held the plane up for over an hour and hoped no one knew it was because of me. We got our meal at 11:00 and I was very hungry since I had not eaten for 11 hours. That sprite tasted SO good. I tried really hard to sleep and even took the sleeping pill but it was so uncomfortable. I will not EVER get the window seat again. If you are on the aisle you can get up and walk around when you cannot sleep. I think I was the only one not sleeping. I must have dozed off around 4 because at 5 they woke me to see if I wanted coffee. Breakfast was good. It was a croissant and cantaloupe. It was delicious. I filled out my forms to enter the country and then started the exit. It is 6:45 AM. I went through customs in a breeze and they did not even look at my suitcase. It was so nice. John and the driver were waiting and we walked to the car and left. I dozed off because we were pulling into Campinas when I woke up around 9:30. The hotel is very nice. There are no lights in the hallway until you walk out of the elevator. Then they light up. It is really neat. I'm sure it is a great electricity saver. John went down and ate breakfast and I laid down. I did not wake up until 1:30 or 2. John slept also. We were pooped. Then we got up and went to the mall. John drives so good around town. Of course it is Saturday and much easier to get around. He said on weekdays it is very busy and crowded. The mall is SO amazing. There are so many shoe shops and lingerie shops. About 1/2 of the stores are these. We ate at Outback and it was great. I was starving. We walked and walked and now we are back here at the hotel trying to get some order from all the mess that I brought PLUS all the mess that John has accumulated over the past 6 months. I get Fox News and that is about all that is in English. I am so grateful. I watched it when we got back from the mall. I even made two purchases at the mall. IT is so hard to not speak English. I'm really going to have to work on my Portuguese. John is doing well though. We are going to help each other. Since we ate lunch so late we are going to walk to the ice cream shop later.
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