It is a beautiful Spring day here. 80 degrees with a small breeze. No complaining today about the weather. With the cooler weather comes less mosquitoes which is really good, not as many trips to the swimming pool and winter clothes in all the shop windows. Of course, the winter here is really like fall to us so it isn't bad. It rarely drops below 45 or that was the way it was last year. They say last year was mild.
We will be going to the wedding ceremony of one of our neighbors on April 20. We received the invitation yesterday. All wedding invitations are hand delivered. It will be a very fancy affair with the wedding and reception being held at the Tennis Club. It will be our first formal party so that will be fun. The wedding is at 8:30 so it should be a late night. It is on Thursday Night so I don't know what John will do on Friday. I'm sure it will be part of my next letter.
John is going back to France Tomorrow. It is his second trip in two weeks and I will really miss him. I guess I will just work on my rug. He went early and got to spend a couple days the first trip with Meredith and John in England. It is hard to believe they just celebrated their first anniversary. Seems like the wedding was just yesterday. They took him to Stonehenge and Stratford On Avon. He is also going to Wichita Falls on April 22 to help Ben in his move to Long Beach, California. It will be so good for him to see Ben. He hasn't been home since May 2005. He isn't like me--looking forward to eating favorite foods. My Dad always said I live to eat NOT eat to live.
We just got back from the grocery store. It was an adventure. This store is a little larger than a super Wal-mart. Since it was the first of the Month everyone in the city was buying groceries since they got paid yesterday. We won't do that again. They were so crowded. I got separated from John for about five minutes and really got panic stricken. Plus, they have price checkers on roller skates flying through the store. Oh me! What fun!
This week has brought many reports of robberies. One of the people John works with was robbed of her car, another friend's house was robbed, we found out our Portuguese teachers, Marina and Pierre, were robbed at gunpoint of everything precious to them in their home, and the plant where John works was robbed. 20 gunmen came into the plant, knocked the guard out and took all the money from the Teller Machine. The machine had just been filled so it sounds very suspicious to me. Marina and Pierre were robbed when the robbers saw their maid washing their sidewalk (yes, washing the sidewalk) and put a gun to her head and made her take them inside. Marina and Pierre had just returned from the United States. They took the new clothes, new blue jeans for their daughter and many very special things i.e. jewelry, silver, etc. Pierre said he got up this week to go walking and realized they had taken his tennis shoes also. I would appreciate your prayers while we are here. I don't know what I would do if it happened to us.
I have attached a painting by Lauren Rodgers. She is Mike and Jan Rodger's 16 year old daughter and we ask her to paint two pictures for us. They will be forever special. One is of an Amaryllis and the one I am attaching today is of parrots. We gave her a picture to go from and it is better than the picture. We are so proud of it and of her.
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